Every skin has a story - here’s mine.

Your skin is a by-product of genes and routine, and ever changing as your age. If, like me, you haven't been blessed with pore-less porcelain complexion, then you’re likely to look everywhere for a solution - ah, but it’s a journey and it’s worth it. I just want good skin, is that really too much to ask for? 

Mine began when my makeup application was so bad my mother told me to pay someone to do my makeup. That curiosity grew and eventually all the problems in my skin emerged. I don't have the scientific knowledge and I am constantly learning from those who do (and you should too!), so you'll find me making educated guesses and through trial and error try different products that will hopefully one day "fix" my skin. 15 years later I think I’ve either gotten there or my skin has matured enough to stabalise. My skin need and focus have changed over the years, and so has my routine through the pandemic.

Welcome to my blog - words by a now 30-something trying to preserve youth, improve her skin and gradually became obsessed with everything beauty and life things related

Current skin concerns: dehydrated, hyper-pigmentation, fine lines, elasticity

It’s easier to feel confident when you have good skin, with or without makeup